Jess Bird
Jess Bird
Jess Bird is a mama, partner, and creator. Her art springs from depression, gratitude, and everything in between. Lover of crystals, cultivator of community, warrior for acceptance– she's a woman with gnarly roots blooming into beautiful branches. She lives in New York with her perfectly-unconventional family and is in the process of becoming, always becoming.
How did you start making art that empowers people?
A few years ago, I was going through a deep depression and realized that I needed a way to empower myself & allow myself to be vulnerable. I loved to sew, but with kids and a tiny apartment, it was hard to find the time. I managed to dust off my stash of paint from my years studying to be an art therapist during college. I began painting affirmations every night and hung them all over my space, calling it my "emotional homework". Friends eventually started requesting my artwork, and one ended up inviting me to a craft show where my pieces sold out! I started to sell my paintings out of my apartment, with a mission of making sure that no one feels alone or invalid– the way that I used to.
What do you do to self-care?
For self-care, I'd say my habits are fairly typical. I go to therapy, love to journal, appreciate incense & smell therapy, make art solely for myself, and there's nothing better than a good nap!