Sasha Aronzon


Sasha Aronzon

Sasha is a co-founder and Chief Brand Officer at Self-Care Is For Everyone Prior to working on Self-Care Is For Everyone, Sasha received her Masters in Higher Education Counseling. In graduate school, Sasha researched how social media impacts users’ mental health. She wanted to meet the people where they were at, and use social media as a way to bring more awareness about mental health. This Instagram community came together as a response to there not existing enough places where brave conversations about mental health felt safe. Sasha’s dream is to continue creating healing communities (in person and online) to help others feel less alone with their thoughts and feelings.

How did you start making art that empowers people?

I have always enjoyed creating artwork, and finding new ways to express myself. The instagram artist community has inspired me to make empowering artwork of my own. creating reminders that I also need is super therapeutic for me.

What do you do to self-care?

I love to meditate, go on hikes, and spend time in nature. For me, it's also really important to practice self-care as a part of my morning routine because it sets me up for a productive day.


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