Rocky Casillas Aguirre
Rocky Casillas Aguirre
Hello friends, I’m Rocky Casillas Aguirre. I’m originally from Tijuana, Mexico, but grew up in Northfield, Minnesota. I’ve been drawing all of my life and never managed to outgrow my love for cartoons. So, In 2020, I decided to create ROKATURAS– a business and brand that offers a home to my own world of fun, goofy stories and magical characters like Twitch & Mystic Weenie™. More than anything, I want to spread joy and positivity to anyone who discovers my art.
How did you start making art that empowers people?
I started drawing mindfulness art in late 2020, after 1.5 years of struggling with intense anxiety, panic “attacks” and insomnia. During that time, I ended up seeing four psychologists, three sleep doctors, and taking several pills, but what saved me was the wonderful Buddhist practice of mindfulness meditation. I also realized I wasn’t alone; too many people suffer from anxiety. And so, I created Twitch & Mystic Weenie™. A story of a campfire flame on the path to awakening, as a way to share my experience, connect with others, and remind you of your infinite potential.
What do you do to self-care?
I really enjoy meditating, because there are so many ways to do it. You can focus on the breath, a physical object, or a mantra. At first it can be overwhelming, because you become aware of all of the thoughts that cross the mind. With time though, it’s the most healing and powerful practice any of us can do. It’s the best way to connect to our higher self and understand both anxiety and life. I also take care of mind-body-spirit through qigong, stretching, spending time in nature– and being close to the people I love.