Why Asking for Help With Suicidal Thoughts is One of the Most Courageous Things You Can Do

Posted by AJ Martofel

Content Warning: This post discusses themes related to suicide and mental health. Please take care of yourself while reading, and remember that help is available.

When life becomes overwhelming, and negative thoughts grow louder, it’s easy to feel like you’re drowning in darkness. You might start believing that you’re unworthy of love, peace, or even life itself. But these thoughts do not define you. They are temporary, no matter how permanent they may feel in the moment. Asking for help during such a time is not a sign of weakness; it's one of the most courageous acts of self-care you can take.

The Weight of Negative Beliefs

It’s common to feel isolated when struggling with suicidal thoughts. The mind often plays tricks, convincing you that your pain is unique and insurmountable, that no one could possibly understand. You may hear these persistent voices in your head:
  • “I am worthless.”
  • “Nothing matters anymore.”
  • “I need this pain to go away.”
  • “Nobody loves me.”
  • “Everyone would be better off if I was gone.”

These beliefs, however strong, do not represent the full picture of who you are or what your life could be. They are symptoms of a crisis, not reflections of reality. When these thoughts take over, it’s crucial to remember that they are temporary distortions.

The Courage to Ask for Help

Reaching out for support when you’re feeling this way can seem impossible, but it’s a critical step in breaking free from the grip of despair. Suicidal thoughts can be so consuming that they make it nearly impossible to see a way out. Yet, it’s precisely in these moments that reaching out becomes a powerful act of bravery.

Courage isn’t always loud or bold; sometimes, it’s a quiet act of vulnerability. It’s making the call to a trusted friend, a family member, or a helpline. It’s admitting that you’re struggling and allowing someone to share the burden with you. This is where healing begins.

You Are Not Defined by Your Thoughts

It’s easy to get lost in the darkness, to believe that your negative thoughts are who you are. But the truth is, you are so much more. You are not defined by what others think of you, by your past experiences, or by the darkest corners of your mind. You have the power to write your own story, to make choices that lead you toward healing and light.

In times of crisis, reaching out for help is a crucial part of that journey. It’s a step toward reclaiming your narrative and finding the support you need to navigate through the pain.

Resources Are Available

There are trained counselors available 24/7, ready to listen, offer vital resources, and remind you that you are worthy of staying alive. If you’re struggling, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or text HOME to 741741 for the Crisis Text Line. These resources exist because your life is valuable, and there are people who want to help you through this.

You Are Not Alone

Feeling alone in your pain can be one of the most isolating experiences, but it’s important to know that you are not truly alone. There is always someone willing to listen, someone who cares about your well-being. Reaching out can lead to a connection that shares the emotional weight and brings light to the darkest of times.

Please reach out for help. We need you here. 988 is available via phone call and text message if you ever need someone to talk to.

Final Thoughts

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. We hope it serves you and provides the encouragement you need to reach out for support. If you've found this resource useful or have feedback, please let us know. We are committed to showing up for our community with respect, integrity, and kindness. You are not alone, and your life matters. Together, we can navigate through the darkness toward a brighter tomorrow.

Call to Action:

  • If you or someone you know is struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.
  • Share this message to raise awareness and provide support to those who may need it.
  • Let’s continue to foster a community where vulnerability is embraced, and asking for help is seen as the courageous act that it truly is.

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