🌈 FREE SHIPPING on all orders of $100+ (🇺🇸 U.S. Only) 🌈 Over $850,000 paid out to independent artists & mental health nonprofits

Mental Health Resources (USA)

If you are in crisis
or at risk for suicide:
Please call 988



988 & Additional Resources To Consider 🦋

988 Lifeline
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (now the 988 Lifeline) provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people experiencing mental health distress.

988 is the most commonly used hotline for those in crisis, but it’s not the only option! We’re highlighting a few different resources one can call or text to receive support. Explore your options and make the decision that is best for you!


American Foundation For Suicide Prevention (AFSP)

AFSP is an inspiring nonprofit advancing research & dedicated to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide.




Consider these alternatives to 988 as well:

NAMI Helpline

Call 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)
Text "HelpLine" to 62640 or E-mail helpline@nami.org

During this difficult time, the NAMI HelpLine is here for you. HelpLine volunteers are working to answer questions, offer support and provide practical next steps. The resources on this page provide information to address many needs and concerns. Stay connected, text, chat, call or email the NAMI HelpLine today. The NAMI HelpLine can be reached Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m., ET.

Crisis Text Line

Text HOME to 741-741


Anyone can text TALK to 741741 to text with a trained crisis counselor for free, 24/7 support. Text from anywhere in the USA. Every texter is connected with a Crisis Counselor, a real-life human being trained to bring texters from a hot moment to a cool calm through active listening and collaborative problem solving.

Trevor Project Lifeline


Call 1-866-488-7386 or text START to 678-678

The Trevor Lifeline is a 24/7 hotline that serves LGBTQ+ individuals experiencing a mental health crisis. LGBTQ+ youth are a group at an increased risk for suicide. The Trevor Lifeline provides free, confidential support to young LGBTQ+ people experiencing thoughts of suicide or other emotional distress.


Trans Lifeline
Trans Peer Support



Trans Lifeline provides trans peer support for the trans community that’s been divested from police since day one. It’s run by and for trans people.

Black, Brown, Native & Muslim Hotline


Call or Text 1 (800) 604-5841

BlackLine provides a space for peer support, counseling, witnessing and affirming the lived experiences to folxs who are most impacted by systematic oppression with an LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens. Call BlackLine prioritizes BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color).

Teen Line
Emotional Support For Youth


Call 1-310-855-HOPE (4673) or

Call 1-800-852-TEEN (8336) or
Text TEEN to 839863

A non-profit, community-based organization that provides emotional support to youth. It is their mission to provide peer-based education and support before problems become a crisis. Phone Line available 6pm-10pm (PST). Text Line available 6pm-9pm (PST). Email support and online message boards also available

National Runaway Safeline


Call 1-800-RUNAWAY

24/7 Crisis hotline for youth & teens offering live chats, e-mail support, forums, and additional resource referrals.

The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline


Call or text 1-800-422-4453
Plus Live Chat Support

If you are being hurt, know someone who might be hurting, or are afraid you might hurt another, call or text the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline.

Veterans Crisis Line


Call 988 and press 1

Veterans may still reach the Veterans Crisis Line with the previous phone number—1-800-273-8255 and Press 1—by text (838255), and through chat (VeteransCrisisLine.net/Chat). Connect with the Veterans Crisis Line to reach caring, qualified responders with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Many of them are Veterans themselves.

Vets 4 Warriors


Call 855-838-8255. Support is also available via e-mail.

A caller will immediately be connected to a peer who is a veteran or a member of the military community.

The National Sexual Assault Hotline

24/7 Free and Confidential Support

https://rainn.org/ (Offers Live Chats)

800-656-HOPE (4673)


The National Domestic Violence Hotline


Call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

Life chat and text support - Text “START” to 88788

Substance Abuse Support Helpline

1-800-662-HELP (4357)
Text your zip code to: 435748 (HELP4U)



This Helpline provides 24-hour free and confidential treatment referral and information about mental and/or substance use disorders, prevention, and recovery in English and Spanish.


SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline

Call or Text: 1-800-985-5990


Provides 24/7, 365-day-a-year crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters.


Poison Control


Call 1-800-222-1222 or

Text POISON to 797979

Contact Poison Control right away for expert medical advice if you suspect a poisoning or poison-related emergency such as chemical burns. Help is available via text, online with webPOISONCONTROL, or by phone 24/7. Every option is free, expert, and confidential

Project LETS


Text 401-400-2905
For Peer Support & Resources

Project LETS is a national grassroots organization and movement led by and for folks with lived experience of mental illness/madness, Disability, trauma, & neurodivergence. They specialize in building just, responsive, and transformative peer support collectives and community mental health care structures that do not depend on state-sanctioned systems that may cause harm. They work for and with multiply marginalized folks in our communities to provide access, political education, & material resources that are needed to survive and thrive.


Warning Signs For Suicide & Stats 🌻

Suicide Statistics

Suicide is the 12th Leading Cause Of Deaths In The US.

On average, there are 130 suicides per day.

In 2020, 45,979 Americans did by sucide.

In 2020, there were an estimated 1.2 million suicide attempts.

The age-adjusted suicide rate in 2020 was 13.48 per 100,000 individuals.

The rate of suicide is highest in middle-aged white men.

In 2020, men died by suicide 3.88x more than women.
White males accounted for 69.68% of suicide deaths in 2020.

In 2020, firearms accounted for 52.83% of all suicide deaths.

The numbers have only risen since.
But hope still remains.

93% of adults surveyed in the U.S. think suicide can be prevented.

Learn more about suicide and how you can support suicide prevention at AFSP:


Learn the latest published statistics on suicide from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Data & Statistics Fatal Injury Report for 2020, retrieved by AFSP on February 17, 2022.

Access additional verified data from the CDC. Suicide rates listed are Age-Adjusted Rates. AFSP fact sheets are updated annually. We also list citation information for the information below as well as our fact sheets. All statistics presented on this page pertain to the United States. Click here to view global suicide statistics.


24/7 Crisis Resources Support Ladder 🌷

As a reminder, Self-Care Is For Everyone only serves as a bridge to find help. Please be sure to review the available resources and determine which is best for you and those you love.


For those in the US, please scroll down for additional lifelines and peer support options.

If you are outside of the US, please be sure to visit our international resources page HERE.


Struggling Your Mental Health?
24/7 Support Is Available!

You Are Enough.

Your Feelings Are Valid.

Your Matter In This World.

Your Life Is Worth Living.

You Are Not Alone


I have been having thoughts of suicide

For Those In Immediate Harm or Danger...

  • Visit Your Local Emergency Room
    Your local hospital’s emergency room is staffed with professionals 24/7 who are trained in crisis response and can help support you and keep you safe. If you feel you are safe enough to get yourself from your current location to the emergency room, this is another option for getting immediate help. You can also ask a trusted friend or loved one to drive you to the hospital. It can often be helpful to have the support of someone you know and trust


The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline / 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free
and confidential support for people experiencing mental health distress.

NAMI Helpline

During this difficult time, the NAMI HelpLine is here for you. HelpLine volunteers are working to answer questions, offer support and provide practical next steps. The resources on this page provide information to address many needs and concerns. Stay connected, text, chat, call or email the NAMI HelpLine today.

The NAMI HelpLine can be reached Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m., ET.
Call 1-800-950-NAMI (6264), text "HelpLine" to 62640 or email us at helpline@nami.org

For More Information on Suicidal Thoughts

Read: Why Asking for Help With Suicidal Thoughts Is One of the Most Courageous Things You Can Do

Read: What You Need To Know About Passive Suicidal Thoughts And How To Decrease Them

Read:  Creating A Safety Plan

I have been feeling an urge to self-harm

Self-Injury Recovery Anonymous (SIRA)
A non-profit support group dedicated to providing a safe space to & helping individuals recover from self-injury, with weekly virtual support group meetings. Tailor-made literature section called "Layers to Discovery" also available

S.A.F.E. Alternatives Information Line
Call 1-800-DONT-CUT (366-8288)

S.A.F.E. ALTERNATIVES is a nationally-recognized treatment approach, professional network, and educational resource base, which is committed to helping you and others achieve an end to self-injurious behavior

International Society for the Study of Self Injury (ISSS)
Experienced clinicians, expert researchers, and passionate community members dedicated to advancing research and treatment of non-suicidal self injury

Suicide Prevention Wiki


I’m Looking for Hope During a Dark Time

Note: These videos may contain language or imagery that might be triggering for some people. However, they all have a common and powerful message: to encourage you to continue fighting through your difficult times, seek out help, and hold onto hope

Your Story Is Important
Electric Forest & TWLOHA

I need help finding a therapist

Perhaps you feel stuck and don't know how to move forward. Maybe you're finally ready to start tackling an ongoing concern. Whatever the reason may be, pursuing counseling is a brave, bold step to working on your mental health.

Note: Not every therapist is a good fit. If you don't feel a healing connection after a few sessions, don't give up. Sometimes it helps to consider a therapist with a similar background as you. They may empathize more directly with your experiences.

Therapy Den

An online community of mental health professionals seeking to make the experience of finding a therapist easy.

Inclusive Therapists

Seeking therapy can be a vulnerable process. We understand. We aim to make it simpler and safer for people in marginalized communities. Find a culturally responsive, 2SLGBTQ+ affirming therapist that celebrates your full identity.

Psychology Today
Psychology Today helps you find an in-person counselor by entering your zip code. This resource is available in 17 countries including the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and many others. This is a great option if you want a more traditional face-to-face experience. You can also view a therapist’s areas of focus and look for credentials and fees that match your individual needs

Mental Health Match
Built on years of research, Mental Health Match is a tool to help you find a licensed therapists who are best matched to your needs. Search by zip code to match with therapists. The right one makes all the difference.

I'm a person of color looking for a therapist who looks like me

Mental Health Resources for People of Color (POC)

The National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association (NAAPIMHA)
For a list of API providers and communities by state, click “Resources” followed by “NAAPIMHA Service Providers”

Su Familia The National Hispanic Family Health Helpline
Call 1-866-783-2645
This bilingual national helpline provides information and connects you to over 13,000 local resources

Questions to Help QTBIPOC Find Affirming Mental Health Providers

Black & African American Mental Health Resources

Therapy For Black Girls • www.therapyforblackgirls.com

The OKRA Project • www.theokraproject.com

Therapy For Black Men • www.therapyforblackmen.org

I'm a Black or African American individual who needs help


Black & African American Mental Health Resources



Black, Brown, Native & Muslim Hotline


Call or Text 1 (800) 604-5841

BlackLine provides a space for peer support, counseling, witnessing and affirming the lived experiences to folxs who are most impacted by systematic oppression with an LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens. Call BlackLine prioritizes BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color).


Therapy For Black Girls • www.therapyforblackgirls.com

The OKRA Project • www.theokraproject.com

Therapy For Black Men • www.therapyforblackmen.org

The AAKOMA Project • www.aakomaproject.org

Black Emotional Mental Health Collective (BEAM) •   www.beam.community

Black Mental Health Alliance •   www.blackmentalhealth.com

Black Mental Wellness • www.blackmentalwellness.com

Eustress • www.eustressinc.org

The Loveland Foundation • www.thelovelandfoundation.org

The Marsha P. Johnson Institute • www.marshap.org

Melanin and Mental Health • www.melaninandmentalhealth.com

National Org for People of Color Against Suicide • www.nopcas.org

Sista Afya Community Mental Wellness • www.sistaafya.com

The Unapologetic Guide To Black Mental Health • www.rheedawalkerphd.com/book

I need LGBTQ support or I am questioning my identity

The Trevor Project – Saving Young LGBTQ Lives
Call 1-866-488-7386 or
Text START to 678678
The Trevor Project was created to support youth who need a safe and judgment-free place to talk. You can connect with them via phone call, text message, or online chat. They have many resources about topics like coming out, Trans + Gender Identity, homelessness, Gay + Lesbian experiences, and many others. Click on “Resources” followed by “Trevor Support Center” to view every category

LGBT National Help Center
Call 1-888-843-4564
Serves gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning people by providing free & confidential peer support and local resources. Phone and online chat available. Hours vary

National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network (NQTTCN)
NQTTCN is a healing justice organization committed to transforming the mental health of queer and trans people of color (QTPOC)

It Gets Better Project
Includes a curated list of over 1100 organizations in 40+ countries around the world offering support to LGBTQ+ youth

Read: A Conversation with Non-Binary Transmac Person Mx. Lex Horwitz (They/Them)

My body image or my relationship with food

Need to Contact a Trained Professional for an Emergency Related to Anorexia, Bulimia, or Other Eating Disorders?

National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) Helpline
Call 1-800-931-2237 or
Text NEDA to 741741

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD)
Available from Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. CST, ANAD’s hotline is a national network that helps callers deal with difficult or painful situations or emotions and provides support and referrals to local treatment.


Eating Disorder Resources

Free Eating Disorder Screening Tool
Provided by the National Eating Disorders Association

Free & Low Cost Support
Everyone deserves support for their eating concerns, and the resources on this page can help in addition to professional help. This list includes free & low cost support options that offer ways to connect with others and promote recovery. Provided by the National Eating DIsorders Association

COVID-19 Resources
Everyone deserves support for their eating concerns, and the resources on this page can help in addition to professional help. Refer to this list to explore recovery pathways with virtual support. Provided by the National Eating DIsorders Association

Eating Disorders Anonymous
A twelve-step fellowship of individuals who share their experience, strength and hope that they may solve their common problems and help each other to recover from eating disorders. Help yourself identity and claim milestones of recovery

Have You Been Feeling Guilty About Eating?

Read: Overcoming Food Guilt and Shame

Can't Afford Therapy or Recovery?

Read: 5 Ways To Recover From an Eating Disorder When You Can't Get Therapy

Read: How to Handle Negative Body Image Thoughts in Quarantine

Books to Help Promote Self-Love and Heal Your Relationship with Food & Body Image

Intuitive Eating
Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch

Health At Every Size
Lindo Bacon

Beauty Sick
Renee Engeln

Glennon Doyle

The Gifts of Imperfection
Brene Brown

Body Outlaws
Ophira Edut and Rebecca Walker

Body Respect
Lindo Bacon and Lucy Aphramor

Explore Jenni Schaefer's Collection of Eating Disorder Books

I'm in an abusive relationship

Planned Parenthood
Between their trained sexual health educators or their chat bot, PP's online chat support can answer your questions about your sexual health whenever you have them. And they are free and confidential.

Domestic Violence Resources

National Domestic Violence Hotline (NDVH)
Call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Call the NDVH or visit their website to chat with someone to help you for free 24/7. Their advocates are here to listen without judgement and help you begin to address what’s going on in your relationship

Women's Law
Visit their website and click on "Places That Help" for a state-by-state directory of domestic violence shelters and advocates

Read: What To Expect When You Reach Out To NDVH

LGBTQ+ Specific Resources

Gay Men's Domestic Violence Project
Call 1-800-832-1901
Provides legal advocacy, crisis intervention, emergency safe homes, support & resources to victims and survivors of domestic abuse. Emergency hotline available 24/7

Read: Abuse In LGBTQ Communities

Native American Specific Resources

StrongHearts Native Helpline
Call or Text 1-844-7NA-TIVE (762-8483)
Offering free, confidential support services for Native American and Alaska Native survivors of domestic violence everyday by partnering with the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center. Available 24/7. StrongHearts advocates have a strong knowledge of Native cultures and communities, including issues of tribal sovereignty and the law, and may be able to help you identify resources specific to your community

Free Articles

Read: Creating A Safety Plan

Read: Abuse in Disability Communities

Read: Safety When Preparing To Leave An Abuser

Read: Safety While Using The Internet
(your computer could be monitored by an abuser)

I have been feeling low or experiencing mood swings

Free Anxiety and Depression Screening Tools
Provided by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), this page helps screen you or a loved one for anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, or a specific phobia. The results can be shared with your doctor or therapist to inform further conversations about diagnosis and treatment

This is an online crisis intervention platform conducted via online messaging. Click “Chat Now” and a certified responder will message you immediately. This is a worldwide resource so no matter if it’s day or night there will be someone there to connect with you virtually

Free Worksheets & Articles

Health Care Decision Aid: Your Mind and Your Body
This worksheet provided by Mental Health America includes a questionaire to help you begin to prioritize your mental health

Processing Trauma and Stress
This worksheet provided by Mental Health America helps you get traumatic/stressful thoughts out of your head to help you gain perspective and begin to destress from your situation

Read: What are Anxiety Disorders?

Read:  What is Depression?

Read:  Helpful vs Harmful - Ways to Manage Emotions

I need addiction or recovery support

Poison Control
Call 1-800-222-1222 or

Text POISON to 797979
Contact Poison Control right away for expert medical advice if you suspect a poisoning or poison-related emergency such as chemical burns. Help is available via text, online with webPOISONCONTROL, or by phone 24/7. Every option is free, expert, and confidential

Free Addiction Screening Test
Provided by Mental Health America

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Call 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
SAMHSA is a confidential, free, 24/7, 365 day-a-year information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations

Where To Get Help
Knowing what resources are available and where to start can be tricky. This interactive questionnaire provided by Mental Health America helps you figure out your options

Never Alone Club
Chat rooms, daily online meetings, and 24/7 support & fellowship for those struggling with addiction and/or recovery

Find the best drug & alcohol rehab center near you

Therapy Tribe Addiction Treatment Platform
Community-based addiction support group

Alcoholics Anonymous Online
Online group meetings

Alcoholics Anonymous Intergroup
Online meetings directory

The e-AA Group
Multi-topic Alcoholics Anonymous forum

Free Worksheets

Breaking Up with an Addiction
This worksheet provided by Mental Health America helps you gain perspective by writing a letter about your addition experience, how it has affected you, and how you'll gain control of the situation

Why Do I Drink or Use Drugs?
This worksheet provided by Mental Health America helps you understand the reasoning behind your addiction or dependency by allowing you to process your thoughts and feelings

I am a Veteran in need of support

Veterans Crisis Line


Call 988 and press 1. Veterans may still reach the Veterans Crisis Line with the previous phone number—1-800-273-8255 and Press 1—by text (838255), and through chat (VeteransCrisisLine.net/Chat). Connect with the Veterans Crisis Line to reach caring, qualified responders with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Many of them are Veterans themselves.

Vets 4 Warriors


Call 855-838-8255. Support is also available via e-mail.

A caller will immediately be connected to a peer who is a veteran or a member of the military community.

I am spending too much time on digital devices

I am struggling financially

Economic Hardship Resources

Mutual Aid Hub
Access a list of local mutual aid & food resources provided by people in your community, for your community. You can also find out where to contribute or volunteer with your local mutual aid organizations

Net Wish
NetWish is a nonprofit that provides direct and immediate assistance to families and individuals, up to $200

Read: A Guide to Resources That Can Help You Pay Bills Now, from Rent to Health Care

Need Help Paying for Medical Costs or Prescriptions?

Partnership for Prescription Assistance (PPA)
PPA offers a free service named MAT (Medicine Assistance Tool) that can match you with resources and cost-sharing programs for medical prescriptions. It also provides a database of free and low-cost clinics in your area

RxAssist offers a comprehensive database of patient assistance programs (programs run by pharmaceutical companies to provide free medication to people who cannot afford to buy them)

Worried About Paying Bills, Rent, or the Possibility of Eviction?

Need Help Paying Bills
This older site includes a state-by-state directory that provides information about benefits programs, rent assistance, and debt relief within the US

Over The Phone Assistance
Call 2-1-1
If you live in Canada or the US, you can dial 2-1-1 on your phone to connect to many types of resources, including COVID-19 information and food or housing assistance. Speak confidentially with a live, trained professional, in 180 different languages

Free Money Management Resources

Smart About Money
Free online courses that help you create savings plans for hardship, healthcare, retirement, etc. Each course takes approximately 45 minutes and includes worksheets, calculators and quizzes

My Financial Mountain
Click Here to Access via Skillshare
Julio Lara offers this free course in "Understanding Your Path to a Solid Financial Foundation". In 13 short (3-min or less) videos, Julio walks you through everything from debt to savings to credit and more

Introduction to Managing Your Personal Finance Debts
Click Here to Access via Alison
This free online course discusses the prevention and alleviation of personal debt issues

Money Skills
Click Here to Access via MRU
Taught by two university economics professors, this free course dives into the practical and confusing questions of adulting. Detailed yet accessible to beginners, find out how to invest, if it's better to buy or rent, and much more

Free Legal Aid

This resource connects you to free legal aid resources for COVID-related concerns, disaster relief, domestic abuse & custody concerns, immigration assistance, government benefits, veterans assistance, and more. The website offers a comprehensive directory for each of US state and territory

Currently offering free COVID legal advice and resources. Answer a few questions and you'll be be directed to legal help for either business or personal/family needs. You may also chat with a volunteer on-call attorney for free answers and legal advice

American Bar Association (COVID-19 and Pro Bono)
Free legal assistance for COVID-related legal concerns from the American Bar Association

I am looking for COVID-related resources 

Free/Low-cost COVID Testing and Online Medical Consultations

Read: 9 Telemedicine Services Offering Free Health Care During the Coronavirus Pandemic

COVID Resources for Parents

Supporting Families During COVID-19
This incredible list of resources assists the mental wellness of parents, educators, guardians & their dependents during the pandemic. The list includes live video chats, telehealth consultations, tips to help children adapt to the demands, restrictions, stress and grief of COVID, and more. Provided by the Child Mind Institute

Resources for Helping Kids and Parents Cope Amidst COVID-19
This comprehensive list of resources for parents includes guides for talking to children about loved ones who are experiencing COVID, virtual & in-person activities for kids learning from home, and strategies & support for parents trying to balance the demands of life, COVID, and child wellness. Provided by the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

COVID-19 Resources for Parents, Families and Youth
This collection of resources includes videos, toolkits, activities to use at home, and more to help parents & caregivers and their children (including adult children and those with special needs) navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Provided by the National Federation of Families

COVID Mental Health Support for Lawyers

American Bar Association (Mental Health Resources)
This page by the American Bar Association provides mental health resources for judges, lawyers and law students. This list include important information such as law practice management during the pandemic, challenges with mental health or substance use, and more

COVID Mental Health Support for Medical Professionals & Healers

Physician Support Line
Call 1-888-409-0141
This free and confidential support line service is available to physicians and medical students, 7 days a week, 8am to 1am (EST). Speak with volunteer psychiatrists who provide peer support, no appointment necessary. The goals of the Physician Support Line include normalizing the pursuit of mental wellness by physicians and medical students, and encouraging unity and empathy among medical colleagues

PeerRxMed aims to destigmatize conversation about burnout, so that medical professionals may find support for this very real (and widespread) challenge. Choose an IRL buddy to partner with through the program, and your 'team' will be guided by prompts for weekly, monthly and quarterly check-ins

This free and confidential service offers counseling to health care workers, childcare workers, first responders, and their families. Licensed mental health professionals work with clients to identify solutions to their challenges and methods for managing stress

Read: The Emotional Weight of Supporting Dying Patients

Additional COVID Support Resources

Read: I'm Feeling Too Much at Once - Dealing with Emotional Overload

Read:  Dealing with COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety

Read:  55 Ways People are Coping with COVID-19

Free COVID Webinars

How to Increase Our Resiliency to Isolation and Loneliness During the COVID-19 Crisis
Mental Health America

The Virtual Antidote - A Practical Approach for Youth Mental Health During the Pandemic
Mental Health America

Not In Crisis, But Still Needing Someone To Listen...

Peer Support


Visit warmline.org to find the warmline that serves your county or state.

A peer run “warm line” is designed as an alternative to traditional "hot line” crisis services, used by callers who are not actually in crisis but are still seeking support. Generally, warm lines are operated by trained peer specialists who can offer hope, strength, and knowledge gained from their own personal experience of the recovery process. Peer specialists are often trained in empathic listening, disclosure, providing possible ideas for coping strategies, and how to bridge to crisis services. Warmline volunteers are people with lived experience around anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.

Need Support, But Have Difficulties Calling...

Accessible Options

Teen Line
Text TEEN to 839863
A non-profit, community-based organization that provides emotional support to youth. It is their mission to provide peer-based education and support before problems become a crisis. Phone Line available 6pm-10pm (PST). Text Line available 6pm-9pm (PST). Email support and online message boards also available

This is an online crisis intervention platform conducted via online messaging. Click “Chat Now” and a certified responder will message you immediately. This is a worldwide resource so no matter if it’s day or night there will be someone there to connect with you virtually

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Send a text to 988
Options for Español & Deaf/Hard of Hearing

For Americans who need to connect with help quickly. This service is open 24/7 and can conduct chats in Spanish and for the Hearing impaired. The website lists additional resources for specific communities like LGBTQ, youth, veterans, loss survivors, and attempt survivors. They can help connect you to local resources if you want to take the next step in your healing journey

Crisis Text Line
Text HOME to 741741
Available 24/7 to connect you with a trained crisis counselor ready to help you through any situation you’re finding challenging. This can range from school stress to COVID anxiety, depression to suicidal thoughts, and everything in between. A safe and confidential platform to help you through your most difficult moments

Veterans Crisis Line
Call 988 or 1-800-273-8255 (Press 1)
or Text 838255
Options for Deaf/Hard of Hearing
The Veterans Crisis Line is available everyday, 24/7 and can assist veterans (including service members, National Guard and Reserve) in need of support, or anyone who has a concern about someone's mental health or safety

Read: Time to Talk - Tips for Talking About Your Mental Health

I'm Okay, But I Want to Help My Friend Who is Struggling!

Click to View Resources

It can be challenging to navigate a conversation with your friend if they are struggling. The resources included below have been a huge influence for us at Self-Care Is For Everyone. We deeply appreciate and encourage you to "understand the humanity behind the words of the other and patiently summon one's own best self and one's own most generous words and questions".

Be There
This site is full of excellent resources about helping someone you care about! Be There Basics will help you learn how to recognize when someone might be struggling with their mental health and gives you tools to help you support and be there for them

Be There's "5 Golden Rules" Are a Great Place to Start:

Rule #1 – Say what you see
Rule #2 – Show you care
Rule #3 – Hear them out
Rule #4 – Know your role
Rule #5 – Connect to help

Questionnaire for Parents
This screening tool provided by Mental Health America can be used to see if your child is having emotional, attentional, or behavioral difficulties

Read: Better Conversations - A Starter Guide

Read: Creating A Safety Plan with Your Family, Friends, or Therapist

Read: 7 Tips for Talking to a Loved One About Their Mental Health