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Self-Care Space

How will you self-care today?

You Are Always Welcome Here.

The following self-care resources and reminders have been lovingly compiled by the Self-Care Is For Everyone team and are meant to inspire hope & offer support to everyone who may be struggling with their mental health.

Please take this moment to slow things down
& prioritize your self-care. You are enough and you deserve to feel relaxed and at peace.

May this be your invitation to cultivate a more loving relationship with yourself. When ready, inhale deeply and begin to calm your mind as you are reminded of your inherent worth and dignity.

Could you benefit from a self-care break right now?

Needing support in establishing
a self-care practice?

Wanting resources to advocate for self-care and mental health in your community?

...or just keep scrolling to view all the self-care resources.

Choose To Self-Care Right Now 🤍
(CLICK HERE for an introduction or explore any resource below!)

Let's self-care right now and begin with a breathing exercise where you breathe in for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4, and exhale for a count of 4. Repeat as needed to help bring your focus back to the present...

As you breathe, take in these affirmations:

I did enough.
I am enough.
I make a difference.
My wellbeing matters.
My mental health is a priority.
I am allowed to take a break.
I don't need to feel guilty for resting.
I am worthy of self-care.
I matter in this world.
I will choose me.
I will keep going.

May these gentle words resonate as you consider the following resources that are intended to help bring calm & peace into your life in this very moment.

Be Present

Connect To Your Breath As You Visualize A Place Of Comfort

"Augue intellegebat nam ut, cu mel tamquam repudiandae, eu quem complectitur definitiones pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."

It's OK To Not Be OK

It's OK To Feel A Lot, So Let
Yourself Feel Your Feelings Fully!

"Augue intellegebat nam ut, cu mel tamquam repudiandae, eu quem complectitur definitiones pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus,

Body Scan Meditation

Consider This Body Scan Meditation To Help Relax Your Nervous System

Trudy Goodman

Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."

Basic Needs Check-In

Let's Take A Moment To Make Sure Your Basic Needs Are Being Met

"Augue intellegebat nam ut, cu mel tamquam repudiandae, eu quem complectitur definitiones pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."

Be Kind To Your Mind

Whether Indoors or Outdoors,
Move Your Body To Calm Your Mind


uem complectitur definitiones pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."

Sit With Your Feelings

It's OK To Feel A Lot. Let's Try To
Build A Relationship To Our Feelings.

uem complectitur definitiones pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."

Love Yourself First

Self-Compassion Is Healing. Be Gentle With Yourself Always.

"Augue intellegebat nam ut, cu mel tamquam repudiandae, eu quem complectitur definitiones pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."

Coloring Is Comforting

Spend Some Time With Our Friend Cam If You Are Feeling Low

Camryn Sullivan

"Augue intellegebat nam ut, cu mel tamquam repudiandae, eu quem complectitur definitiones pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."

Go Rest

You Don't Have To Feel Guilty For Resting

Your Worth Is Not Measured By Your Productivity

pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."

Choose To Care For Your Future Self 🌼
(CLICK HERE for an introduction or explore any resource below!)

Practicing self-care on a daily basis is tough. There never seems to be enough time or energy to prioritize self-care when everything else feels so overwhelming.

The following self-care reminders & resources are here to help you in slowing things down and supporting you in showing up for your future self.

There is no one right way to practice self-care. Self-care is for everyone and looks different for everyone. Consider leaning into curiosity as you explore the various self-care activities and resources to find the ones that most resonate with you.

It's OK To Ask For Help

Let's Invite Support To Help Raise Awareness and Prevent Burnout

"Augue intellegebat nam ut, cu mel tamquam repudiandae, eu quem complectitur definitiones pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."

Healing Isn't Linear

Remain Gentle With Yourself As You Take It All One Step At A Time

Hayley Siggs

"Augue intellegebat nam ut, cu mel tamquam repudiandae, eu quem complectitur definitiones pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."

Self-Care Everyday

It's So Important To Check In With Ourselves and Prioritize Self-Care Daily

"Augue intellegebat nam ut, cu mel tamquam repudiandae, eu quem complectitur definitiones pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."

You Are Not Alone

Calling A Friend To Connect & Body Doubling Can Be So Helpful

Sasha Aronzon-Martofel

"Augue intellegebat nam ut, cu mel tamquam repudiandae, eu quem complectitur definitiones pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."

Set Boundaries

Self-Care Is An Act Of Resistance Where Boundaries Must Be Established

"Augue intellegebat nam ut, cu mel tamquam repudiandae, eu quem complectitur definitiones pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."

Your Feelings Deserve
To Take Up Space

Honor your feelings and create some space by writing down your story

"Augue intellegebat nam ut, cu mel tamquam repudiandae, eu quem complectitur definitiones pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."

Life Is Tough But So Are You

Believe In Yourself As You Prove Anxiety Wrong. You Got This!

"Augue intellegebat nam ut, cu mel tamquam repudiandae, eu quem complectitur definitiones pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."

The Only Way Out
Is Through

Keep Learning And
Growing Through It All

Book and podcast recommendations.

It Gets Better

What If It Gets Better? That's the hopeful reframe we must all hold close.

DIY idea with create an album of your favorite photos...

Choose To Advocate For Self-Care & Mental Health 🧠
(CLICK HERE for an introduction or explore any resource below!)

Self-care is community care.

The reality is that we are all connected in this world and it takes a community to survive. Self-care invites us to prioritize our needs in order to keep showing up each day, while not forgetting the interconnected nature of this world.

When mental health orgs amplify the message YOU ARE NOT ALONE, we are reminding everyone that there is good in this world still, and that asking for help is possible and available 24/7. For this to exist, everyone must keep taking care of themselves and celebrating the moments of self-care in the lives of others.

Kindness is a healing force and a core value of self-care. The resources below exist to encourage everyone in our community to spread kindness and joy, as you continue to protect moments to nourish yourself as well.  

Be Kind To Everyone

Spread Kindness In Meaningful
And Creative Ways

Give out stickers!

Community Care

Let's Give Everyone Their Flowers & Celebrate Their Lives!

Self-Care Check-In Podcast

Peer Support

Let's Stay Connected &
Heal In Community

"Augue intellegebat nam ut, cu mel tamquam repudiandae, eu quem complectitur definitiones pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."


Stay Informed And Learn More About AFSP's Out Of Darkness Walks

"Augue intellegebat nam ut, cu mel tamquam repudiandae, eu quem complectitur definitiones pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."

Mental Health Advocacy

Let's Advocate
For Mental Health Together

"Augue intellegebat nam ut, cu mel tamquam repudiandae, eu quem complectitur definitiones pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."

Social Media Advocacy

Advocate In Person And Online. All forms of advocacy are valid!

"Augue intellegebat nam ut, cu mel tamquam repudiandae, eu quem complectitur definitiones pri. Ut pro feugait inimicus, dolor nostrum quo ex. Tollit doctus similique ea has, has ipsum iisque id. Vix eu dicat iisque numquam, ut vis simul option reformidans. Eam ut purto percipit ponderum."

"Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is
self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”

--Audre Lorde
Writer, poet, womanist, radical feminist,
professor, and civil rights activist

Foundational to our understanding of self-care and community care, these words are so powerful and continue to resonate to this day. Let us honor Audre's words and prioritize caring for ourselves in order to continue showing up to better this world.